If your business/organization is interested in one of our dynamic sponsorship opportunities, or if you'd like to make a personal monetary donation, please CLICK HERE to email us.
Purple Level Sponsorship - $5,000 (1 Available)

10 VIP Tickets at MGFL Pageant
Logo in Dressing Room Areas
Business information in the hotel rooms of contestants
Logo on projection screen during the pageant
Verbal announcement spotlight 2 times during the MGFL pageant
Logo listed on website as the Purple Level Donor (Largest Logo)
Logo listed on pageant marketing materials
Gold Level Sponsorship - $3,000 (2 Available)

6 VIP Tickets at MGFL Pageant
Logo on projection screen during the MGFL pageant
1 verbal spotlight announcement during the MGFL Pageant
Logo listed on the MGFL website
Logo listed pageant marketing materials
Advertisement on VIP Tables
Silver Level Sponsorship - $1,500 (2 Available)

4 VIP Tickets
1 verbal spotlight announcement during the MGFL Pageant
Logo listed on the MGFL website
Logo listed pageant marketing materials
Bronze Level Sponsorship - $500+ (4 Available)

Contestant meal gift cards during pageant weekend - $550.00
Pageant Badges/Lanyards - $625.00
Volunteer/Staff T-shirts - $775.00
Contestant Swag Bags - $935.00
Bronze level sponsorship includes logo and company information relevant to sponsorship item (i.e logo on staff t-shirts), 2 VIP tickets, Logo listed on website and pageant marketing materials
Have a question about our pageant? Want more information about being a sponsor? Maybe you want to advertise with us?
Use this form to reach out to us and someone will get back to you as soon as we are able.
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